This month has been the strangest month as I am sure everybody agrees. 
Gone have the free movements and ease of life. We have all had to adapt and change the way we function on a daily basis. This clearly has really devastating impacts on our BODY & MIND. 
So perhaps we should flip this on its head! 
Perhaps we should be looking at the benefits that this rare circumstance brings us. Could we look back on this and reflect that actually against all the odds, something good or POSITIVE was born. 
We have all adapted and we are no different. As a company that delivers fitness courses, we have had to adapt our learning to ensure that we are able to meet the needs of all our learners who now are studying remotely. Wow what a baptism of fire that was! All of a sudden we are thrown into the realms of new technology … new ways that we can reach our learners and support them; new ways that they can complete practical elements; new ways of undertaking their theory exams; new ways of communicating as a group! We rose to the challenge and have put in new systems that will remain. 
The POSITIVES that came out of that sudden negative of “Oh no .. how on earth are we going to be able to continue to train our learners?” 
“wow look at this technology that we had never considered before”. 
“wow look what we can now offer those learners who can’t attend a face to face course but still want interaction from a group/tutor in the physical form” 
“wow I have learnt so may new things” 
I believe that we now have so much more to offer!  
Of course we have always offered elearning but that is a route whereby the learner learns very independently. This does suit some learners but we’ve always felt that there is a need for interaction. Our new systems now open up a whole new way of achieving this, which has been brought about by the sudden changes that Active IQ, our awarding organisation, had to very quickly put in place and relay to all of their Centres including us – again this is a POSITIVE outcome for all. We were all forced into action very quickly and came up with some greate solutions and new learning methods. 
The Sportsability Training Team pride ourselves on knowing our learners individually and providing them with the very highest standard of education. We thrive on their good news stories and follow them as they progress in their fitness career. 
Another POSITIVE to be taken from this unprecedented time in or life was a new idea to enable our qualified students to showcase their skills through our social media platforms; giving them the opportunity to inspire you to workout in their own unique way.  
There we have another POSITIVE! Instructors all over the world have suddenly had to embrace the virtual and remote world of teaching but my goodness, I have been so inspired by the variety of activities and workouts available to us from home regardless of whether we have equipment or not; there is some real ingenuity and creativity happening! People are embracing exercise; people who have not had the time or desire to exercise before – we are becoming a fitter and healthier population! 
Not only do we have creativity in the fitness sector, but the world over, seems to have found its humour! I have seen so many people doing silly, crazy and funny things in front of the camera just for fun to bring a smile or a laugh to ourselves and those around us! POSITIVE! 
LAUGHING AND SMILING is, I believe, the greatest therapy – true fact: it releases the chemical called Endorphins in the human brain. “The pleasurable and calming effects of the endorphin release might signal safety and promote feelings of togetherness” ( 
EXERCISE is, I believe, the greatest therapy – true fact: when you exercise your body releases the chemical called Endorphins. The endorphins interact with your brain which can help bring about the feeling of euphoria and general wellbeing (ref: and 
So my final POSITIVE to be taken from a time in our life when we are facing so many changes, challenges and limitations is LAUGH, SMILE AND EXERCISE achieving a sense of closeness (even remotely) with our family and friends, creating happiness for ourselves and others whilst gaining a feeling of safety and wellness from the inside out. 

A few of our qualified Sportsability students: 

You can see more of our learner videos on our YouTube channel 
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